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如何掌握 NTN-NR測試關鍵?
2025/2/13 (Thu.) 10:00-11:00 AM

在非地面網路 (NTN) 開發的動態環境中,工程師面臨著獨特的挑戰 ── 從高都普勒頻移及在不同的軌道動力學中的大延遲。R&S 專家將直擊這些關鍵問題,帶您深入探索當前的  NTN  市場趨勢和衛星通訊架構的複雜性,特別關注技術障礙:如往返延誤、頻率和移動性挑戰。此外,專家將演示如何利用我們的 NTN 測試設備解決方案,來克服類比複雜的多軌道和多頻段衛星環境帶來的挑戰。


  • NTN 市場現狀、應用案例、策略和技術挑戰
  • NTN-NR  裝置相關的測試要點和挑戰
  • 如何在研發、一致性和生產中測試 NTN-NR 設備
  • 如何創建 E2E 測試台系統模擬

2025/2/13 10:00-11:00如何掌握 NTN-NR測試關鍵?
Goce Talaganov
Goce Talaganov / Market Segment Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Goce Talaganov is a Market Segment Manager for cellular device testing at Rohde & Schwarz headquarters in Munich, Germany. In this role he is responsible for understanding customer requirements and promoting the related solutions in the device testing ecosystem. Before joining Rohde & Schwarz, he had 15 years of professional experience leading product management and business development teams specific to device testing in the lab and live networks, focusing on 5G, IIoT and automation. He holds various patents in the testing field regarding emergency calling, IoT, 5G testing and eSIM. Goce holds a Master of Science (MSc.) in Communication Systems from the School of Information and Communication Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden.
Tim Seyler
Tim Seyler / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Tim Seyler is a Product Manager for mobile communication testers, including the R&S®CMX500 and the R&S®CMW500, and is based at Rohde & Schwarz headquarters in Munich, Germany. He has worked 12 years as a development engineer at Rohde & Schwarz, focusing on the R&S®CMA180 radio test set and a Python remote interface for the R&S®CMX500. Since 2022, he has been part of the product management team where he is responsible for application testing topics such as throughput testing, Wi-Fi offloading and IP analysis. Tim holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Munich.
Obilor Nwamadi
Obilor Nwamadi / Senior Product Manager, Viavi Solutions
Obilor Nwamadi (Obi) is a senior product manager for Viavi Solutions with responsibility for 3GPP features, especially for the strategy and gtm for NTN and RedCap product lines. He has over 17 years’ experience in the wireless communication industry and has worked in diverse roles such as academic & applied research, systems/test engineering, product development and product management.
Naseef Mahmud
Naseef Mahmud / Solution Manager, Technical Lead NTN OTA, Rohde & Schwarz
Naseef Mahmud received his Master’s Degree in Electrical, IT and computer engineering with a focus on communication engineering from the RWTH Aachen University in Germany. Since then he has served in multiple roles at the test & measurement company, Rohde & Schwarz. Naseef has been a Rohde & Schwarz consultant addressing T&M issues for many companies in multiple industries. He holds multiple patents in the fields of satellite, IoT and automotive testing. Naseef is an established expert in over the air testing and coexistence testing for both Rohde & Schwarz and their customers. He is currently working as the technical lead for OTA NTN testing.